Jan 5, 2019

James 3:5

Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.

I find those who stop to consider the truth have great insights. Let’s consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. I grew up in California and forest fires are common (being that it is part of the life cycle of a forest). When I think of a forest in a hot and dry summer with lots of dry vegetation on the ground, the environment is perfect for a fire. The state parks even have signs that let you know what the fire danger is. All the forest needs is a catalyst, a jump start, or a “small spark”, and away it goes. The forest is so dry that it doesn’t need any help staying lit. In fact it is very, very difficult to extinguish.

I would like to suggest to you that we, the people who “meditate on the law of the Lord day and night”, we who “hold to the teachings”, we who “consider the testimonies” are like a fire.  The more we cultivate our life in the truth, the bigger, brighter and warmer our fire becomes. People see the light, feel the warmth, and are drawn to it. The thing about a fire is that it transforms the environment around it. If you put wet logs next to a raging fire the moisture in that log evaporates. If left there long enough, it dries out to the point that all it needs is a “small spark” from the fire to ignite, and away it goes.
