Jan 31, 2019

“12 Minutes” is a framework for hearing from God.  We teach this in our Be Transformed curriculum. A “BT framework” consists of knowledge with instruction on how to apply it so we gain experience on purpose.  This means that this is not the only way to hear from God. But if someone came to me and asked, “How do I hear from God?”, this framework is what I would give them, and through it they would gain experience.  

“12 Minutes” is an exercise in listening. This exercise is based off the reality that God has things to say to us.  There is this passage in Jeremiah where God is talking to Israel who is in captivity, about bringing them back. What God says to them absolutely applies to us. He says:

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  I will be found by you,” declares the LORD.” Jeremiah 29: 11-14

God says, “I know the plans I have for you.  If you seek me you will find me.” God has thoughts of you that he is very interested in sharing.  A big part of this exercise is the perspective and mentality you must hold to cultivate a lifestyle of hearing.  

Hebrews 11:6 says, “Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.”

He rewards those who seek him.  Those who seek find. The article I wrote on January 24th talks more about this perspective.  

The process of “12 Minutes” is very simple.  You find a quiet spot and put the timer on your phone for 12 minutes.  You ask God, “What are these thoughts you think about me?” or, “If you could say anything to me right now, what would you say?”

The purpose of the timer is not to limit the time but to help keep you there longer than 30 seconds.  There are times I hear God and my timer goes off and I hit the repeat button and keep jamming. There are times where I don’t hear anything, and when my timer goes off I get up and go about my day.

I have heard it said that when you pray and don’t hear anything, your answer is gaining interest.  Remember that your end is determined by your beginning. You win when you start. Those who seek and keep seeking are the ones who find. Not hearing anything is no place for an emotional downward spiral and identity crisis. Instead it’s a place for faith and expectation. It’s in this place that you grown in Identity and Maturity.  You become stable, firmly planted, no longer tossed by the waves of every emotion. That’s sexy!

How does God speak, or what does his voice sound like?  Sometimes it’s a thought, or a verse, or something awesome someone said that you remember.  They could be words you write down in a journal, that even though you are writing them and they are coming through you, it is God speaking to you.  It’s amazing how you can hear something and almost mistake it for yourself, but you don’t, because it’s dripping with glory. The reason you almost mistake it for yourself is because it is the most natural and normal thing to talk with God.  It is in your nature to hear God’s voice.

How often should you get into the “12 minutes” ?  One, two, three times a week. This exercise is to train you to experience God on purpose.  The things God says to you are of identity, purpose and vision. They speak of his plans for you that necessitate action.  It’s in this total reality that you find your total fulfillment in life. Where you discover who God actually is and who you actually are.  It’s these things that cause you to live your life on purpose, to run a race that you set out to win.

My good peoples, go get you some glory!