Life is definitely more fun with momentum. To grow in momentum you have to weed out thoughts that would cause you to drag your feet. These thoughts of doubt or second guessing your decisions and motives; worry and fear. These things create friction that slow your pace. To have momentum in increasing measures we must hold less friction.

Momentum is the strength or force that something has when it is moving/ the strength or force that allows something to continue or to grow stronger or faster as time passes.

I like this concept of the strength or force growing stronger and faster over time. I’m picturing a train. Up front is the engine and being pulled behind is 200 train cars. The engine is put into gear and you hear the sound of puffing and the wheels turning. The train very slowly and steadily goes from standing still to inching forward. The puffing of the engine and the turning of the wheels increase in speed and so does the velocity of the train, until it reaches its traveling speed.

Step 1 in gaining momentum is to break inertia.

Inertia is a tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged. The lifestyle of doing nothing would resist movement to the point of acceleration unto the achieving and gaining momentum.   

To break inertia we need a destination that would demand a commitment to take action and begin to work towards the end goal.

Step 2 in gaining momentum is to cast off unnecessary friction.

This friction is the old mindset that created and sustained inertia. As we begin to take action we will have to deal with these old thoughts and beliefs, because they are the opposed to movement.  These are the thoughts and emotions of fear, doubt, worry, identity crisis, second guessing, making excuses.

As we begin to make decisions we start to grow in our ability to choose between options. As we become more confident in this ability we are able to make decisions must quicker and easier, which allows us to take action faster and create momentum.  

Step 3 in gaining momentum is maintaining, sustaining and increasing in speed.

If you want to be sure about every step you take tomorrow, take time today to prepare for each step.  

If I am running a race and I know where the finish line is, I am going to run in such a way to win the prize. My stride will be long and every step will be with confidence. If, however, I am unsure where the finish line is, if I’m unsure if the place I’m going to step will hold my weight, my stride will shorten and my speed will diminish.

Planning and preparing for tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, will create more clarity and confidence to move at speeds that continue to increase.  When you are confident in the next step to take you can move with speed that will create momentum.

May we be a people of great momentum because we know WHERE we are going, WHY we are going there, and HOW we will get there.