When you look at your vision and goals, there is this reality that they will not be achieved overnight.  Nor will they be achieved by waiting patiently while sitting on the couch. You must take action to realize what you want to realize.

This fact that they will take time to reach can cause procrastination in taking action. This procrastination can create the “inertia affect,” where you don’t take any action. The slower we are in taking action, the further our visions, goals, and dreams become.

I heard this concept recently that went like this, “You are not as far as you think from your goal or vision.” This thought spurs on motivation, desire and action. If we knew how close we were to realizing something we actually wanted we would take way more action to realize it.

This idea creates momentum. It breaks us out of inertia and gets us moving. Thinking that it is not that far creates anticipation and excitement that creates more action. This new level of action reveals our abilities and what we are actually capable of. Which helps maintain and even increase our speed of coming up with new ideas, making quick decisions and being quick to take action on them. This increased speed generates more momentum.

Before we know it, we blast right through some of our goals and we realize that while on this journey our vision has grown in size. Momentum causes us to realize new levels of ability. These new levels of realized ability generate an increased vision. Responsibility creates greater ability. Responsibility pulls on our potential. Potential is what we could do but haven’t done. What we could become but haven’t become yet. It’s only in the place of taking action that our true potential is realized.