In Acts 6 the number of the disciples was increasing and some complaints arose about some widows being overlooked for the daily distribution of food. When you increase in numbers you will increase in the need for valuable people.  

The apostles gathered all the people together and said, “It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables. Brothers and sisters, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word. “ Acts 6:2-4

I like how the apostles gave the the task to pick the seven men to the people. It was the people who were having problems, so the apostles helped them take responsibility for themselves. The apostles gave specific instructions about the number and the type of men to chose and then said, “you chose.” And this pleased the people.

The men had to be from among them. They had to be people who were a part of the community. People who showed up.

The men had to be known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. These men were people who stood out. They were people who’s noteworthy actions reflected their inward reality. Their motivation and action came from the revelations they had about who God is and who they where. When the apostles said, “they need to be known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom,” there were specific people who fit that description.        

People of value don’t wait for permission to take action. People of value take action based upon the needs that they see. I’ve heard it said, you don’t want to be employed, you want to be deployed. Deployment comes when you take responsibility for the things that God highlights to you. These things speak of the gifts inside you. Taking action causes us to realize potential. This causes us to continue to grow in skill, ability, maturity. We become more valuable.  

Don’t wait for permission to take responsibility.