Fear of failure and commitment are in direct opposition to each other. Commitment says, no matter what I’m in. Regardless of the length of time, how much it costs or the amount of obstacles faced, I will reach my destination.  Commitment is unconditional, meaning there is not a situation or circumstance that will ever result in quitting.

There is no failure if there is no quitting.  Obstacles are only overcome with commitment. In the “fear of failure mentality,” obstacles are the confirmation you are going in the wrong direction.  So they quickly and deliberately move towards the closest exit. Commitment says, “The only way to what I want is over, around or through, so you better look out, cause I’m not stopping!” Commitment has the momentum necessary to push right through because it’s not in the habit of stopping to rethink itself. The time to consider whether or not to commit is before you commit. Commitment is the byproduct of a decision.

Here is a brief break down of some of the differences between commitment vs fear of failure.   


  • No matter what I’m all in
    • Non conditional
  • Pictures success
  • Has belief
  • Hope
  • Potential
  • Possibilities
  • Says, “Why not?”
  • Takes action
  • Understands it will take time
  • Understands I will have to work it out
  • Says, “I can”
  • Says, “I will”

Fear of Failure

  • Conditional
  • Only pictures failure
  • Disbelief/ “I believe it’s impossible”
  • I can’t do that
  • Says, “Yea but….”
  • Makes excuses
  • Believes it will take too much time
  • Believes there are too many unknowns
  • Says, “I can’t”
  • Says, “I won’t”

It’s very clear that the “fear of failure mentality” won’t get you very far because of its unwillingness to take action.  Commitment, while risky, costly, scary, and full of the unknown, will actually get you what you want.

Dare to jump into the potential, then commit and actually do it!  Even in the presence of fear. Courage is not the absence of fear.  Courage is the ability to take action in spite of or in the presence of fear.  Let’s get into it! What do you really have to lose? Come on in, the water is nice.  Don’t worry about your boat, you wont need it where we are going. There’s no going back, there is only intentional steps forward.  Jump into the potential.