I have a dream of helping so many people change the way they think about God, themselves and what this life is about that it affects the generations to come.  As we continue to learn, grow and experience the reality of God the more we are conformed to the image of Jesus. The more we grow in maturity the more aware we become of the world around us.  

As we grow in identity, purpose and vision we see other people who lack it. This is because we are well acquainted with what it looks, sounds and feels like to not have identity, purpose and vision.  As we grow in ability, we help the people around us discover identity, purpose and vision. The more we do this the better we get.

We start becoming more aware of our children’s gifts and intentionally help develop them, and unlock potential at a young age.  This creates high self esteem, courage, confidence, belief, faith. Think about it, what if our kids didn’t struggle with the same things we struggled with because we intentionally grew in knowledge and understanding and taught our kids what we learned.

This is how you build into the next generation.  The next generation shouldn’t have to struggle to learn what we have struggled to learn.  They shouldn’t have to start at square one. It’s not good enough to just leave stuff for the next generation.  Stuff is good, but what is better is, stuff plus the knowledge, understanding and experience of how to maintain, sustain and increase what they are given.  The only way to do that is to intentionally take people with us and prepare for the future succession.

In Deuteronomy 29:29 it says,

“The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.”   

It’s our responsibility to learn and pass on.