It’s amazing how just showing up can set you apart from the crowd. So many people want to bring value and do something with their lives but get trapped inside their house. They get stuck in a cycle of thinking and feeling that distorts reality. We think seclusion and tv are the only options there are in life. And you can forget that everything you actually want is outside.

Seclusion is a trap and a sucky one at that. Seclusion cultivates thoughts and emotions of fear, doubt, worry, and it becomes really hard to focus on anything else. But when you become aware of how you are thinking and feeling you can do something about it. And in this particular case you have to get out of the house. You need to change your environment. By getting outside in the real world, with fresh air, and people, true perspective begins to return.

The goal is to focus on what you want, not on where you have been. You have to break the cycle of thinking and feeling and get into community with, peace, and joy. This is where “showing up” comes in. Just show up. There are places you used to go, could go; places you have been invited to, but quickly made excuses to not go. It’s possible to make excuses and not even be aware of it. If you find yourself in a lifestyle of seclusion you can be sure that you have made excuses one of your closest friends.  It’s time to get some new friends!

Showing up, this is where life is, where friends are, where growth is found. Showing up is where potential is realized. Where your gifts stand out. Showing up is where vision is created and realized.

I can do a lot with someone who shows up.  You can become a person of great value, but only if you first learn how to show up.