Success is predictable and so is failure.  Our daily and weekly habits dictate our future outcome. If you have ever watched the show Alaska the last frontier, or something similar, this reality is clearly seen.  

In Alaska I think the cold winter lasts something like 8 months.  Meaning you have 4 months to prepare for winter. These guys live off the land, therefore grow their own vegetables.  Raise and butcher their own animals. Cut down trees and process the wood for heat. It’s easy to see in this lifestyle, with the extreme winters how what you do today determines if you have enough food, or heat.  I bet one year of poor preparation that causes 8 months of discomfort is all that is needed to learn the life lesson that, what you do today determines your tomorrow.

I think it can sometimes be harder to see this principle at work in a less extreme environment.  Life can be so comfortable that we can forget that life is short. It is easy to get distracted and lose sight of what we should be learning, doing and creating.  I’m reading this book by John Maxwell called “Today Matters”. He lists some common misconceptions of the reality of success. He says that sometimes we think success is mystical therefore we hope for it.  The problem is that hoping and wishing don’t actually produce substance.

Action produces substance.  Myles Munroe talks about success as being the byproduct not the main thing.  You don’t become successful by chasing success. You become successful by becoming really good at solving a problem.  Myles defines success as: what you did compared to what you could have or should have done.

Our daily and weekly habits will determine if we actually do something with the time we have been given or if we just exist.  I personally have no desire to just exist. I chose to live.

What is one thing that you have been thinking about doing in regards to truly living that you haven’t taken any action on?  What are you going to do in this next week to take some action?