The past is an interesting phenomenon.  It doesn’t actually exist anymore but it can be easy to remind ourselves of what happened with such repetition that it defines who we are.  Not every past experience is worth taking to the future.

When we are defined by our past experiences we can become blind to the unlimited possibilities and potentials of the present.  When the past is the main thing we cultivate, the only pictures we have of our future look a lot like what we have already experienced.  In this way we pull our past and push it into the future, guaranteeing our past will be our future. This is how a cycle of living is created.  

When we can disconnect from the past, we can begin to tap into the present.  You see, right here right now is the farthest we have ever been in life. This is the oldest we have ever been.  This is the most we have ever known or experienced. We have literally never been this far before. Right here right now is packed full with unlimited potential and possibilities.  

Would we dare to let go of the familiar past that has no benefit to growth and wholeness, and tap into hope, potential and possibilities.  To let go of the past means we can no longer consciously “re-mind” ourselves of the past. When you re-mind yourself you reinforce the memory.  As you continue to re-live the past you keep that experience alive. We literally feed and nourish the memory, like we would care for something we cherish.

There are 3 things you can do with your past:

1: Learn from it

2: Forgive it

3: Let go of it

My good peoples, the past is the past, it’s gone and done with.  There is no reason to stay limited to the past when we hold such unlimited potential.