The environment that a person lives in has a massive impact on their beliefs and habits.  I watched this movie called Megamind and in the first few minutes they display this reality really well.  The movie starts out with a baby boy whose parents put him in a spaceship to send him to earth because their planet is being sucked into a black hole.  The spaceship is launched into space and at the very same time on a nearby planted the very same situation is happening. And a baby from that plant is sent to earth.

These to babies in there spaceships run into each other the whole way to earth.  The first boy is blue with a big head. the other baby looks like a human. The human looking baby lands in a wealthy families estate and the blue baby lands in a prison yard.  The wealthy family takes in the human looking baby and the prisoners take in the blue baby.

The human looking baby is raised as a helper and a defender of the good.  And the blue baby is tout that police are bad and stealing is good. These boys go to the same school.  The blue boy is picked last and the other boy is always first. Finally the blue boy decides that he is good at being bad and therefore becomes a villain.  While the other boy is the hero.

Here are two babies full of potential who learn and grow in different environments and end up being enemies because of it.  

Jesus said to make disciples of all nations.  Teach the patterns of the kingdom of heaven in the different spheres of society so well that if impacts and influences all the citizens.  There are people who are lost and live in hopelessness because they don’t have the right information. The blue boy whose name was Megamind became the good guy in the end of the movie(spoiler alert) he just needed a chance and a good enough reason.

It’s hard to change when you don’t have a picture of the future that is not influenced by the past.  But the seeds of hope and truth planted by the citizens of heaven do just that. These seed create new ideas.  Ideas of hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11-14

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  I will be found by you,” declares the Lord”