I was reminded this week just how easy and natural it is to hear God’s voice.  If you find yourself dreaming a dream on a regular basis, and this dream speaks of your potential, gifts, abilities and desires in God, it’s time to saddle up the ponies.  And I’m talking to myself as well.

I was listening to a talk by Jim Rohn and he was discussing the fact that life is risky.  It’s risky to take action, but it even more risky to not. Jim put it like this, “Life is so risky that no one is getting out alive”.

God who is outside of time, put us in time, at just the right time to display a peace of who he is.  This time on earth is all we have to accomplish the purpose in which we were made to realize.

There is a quote about time that goes like this, “Einstein understood time management is an oxymoron. It cannot be managed.  You can’t save time, lose time, turn back the hands of time or have more time tomorrow than today. Time is unemotional, uncontrolled, unencumbered.  It moves forward regardless of circumstances and, in the game of life, creates a level playing field for everyone.”

Grab hold of your vehicle(your gifts, talents, abilities and interests) and use it to connect with the people you can relate to.  Join a group or create a group all around something you have an interest in. Create relationships and display the true nature and character of God.  It’s time we take all that dreaming we did on the front porch and turn them into real life experiences.

Pick a vehicle, pick a road to use it on, make a decision to commit and take action.