Working out identity, purpose and vision, is all about gaining clarity. Knowing who you are, why you are, and where you are going is a recipe for action and realizing potential.  Being unsure about who you are, why you are and where you are going is a recipe for frustration and the inertia mindset (remaining stationary and stagnate).   

With the right understanding frustration becomes a sign that clarity is lacking.  There are three stages where I have experienced frustration on my journey of identity, purpose and vision, and they were all created by the lack of clarity.

The first stage that creates frustration is when you have the sense that there is more to life than you are currently experiencing but you don’t know what that looks like.  In this stage you ask the questions, “Who am I?” and “What should I do with my life?”. This is due to the absence of vision for the future.

The second stage that creates frustration is when you have an idea and a picture of the future but you don’t know how to get there.  The lack of a plan creates frustration. To reach a destination you need to know how to get there.

The third stage that creates frustration is when you have a picture of the future and a plan, but you don’t take action.  You continually cultivate your vision but get frustrated because you aren’t making any progress.

In all three cases the lack of clarity inhibited action, progress and transformation but produced an abundance of frustration.  Clarity is the antidote to frustration. You don’t need to know ten steps ahead, you just need to know the next step. The process reveals itself while you are in the process.

The three stages of the lack of clarity are:

1: You don’t have an idea or picture of the future

2: You have an idea and picture but you don’t have a plan

3: You have an idea and a plan but you are not taking action.

How have you seen these stages in your life?  

What stage do you find yourself in?