Awareness is defined as: knowledge and understanding that something is happening or exists; knowledge or perception of a situation or fact; concern about and well-informed interest in a particular situation or development.

Knowledge creates awareness and awareness creates the ability to change. The more aware you become of why you do what you do, the more in control you are of what you do.  

Let’s say it’s a Saturday afternoon and I’m feeling lazy.  My kids are playing together yet they are pestering each other.  I keep correcting them from my chair and they keep pestering each other.  I’m getting frustrated but the situation isn’t changing. Now with the lack of awareness this cycle could continue all day long.  But let’s say I consider the situation. It’s 2:00 in the afternoon, and we haven’t gone anywhere or done anything. The problem is they are bored.  They have energy and need a better outlet for it. So I get up off my butt and we go for a walk, or go swimming or go to a park. The solution to the problem isn’t more verbal correction, it’s doing something.  

When you become aware of why something is happening, you find the source of the problem.  If I just keep verbally correcting them I’m focused on the symptom. You won’t fix the source by focusing on the symptom.  The symptom is the flag that helps you address the source of the problem.

The lack of awareness causes people to be victims of their situations and circumstances.  When you think thoughts like, “This is just the way it is,” you have let go of the God given ability and responsibility to affect change.  

Awareness gives you the ability to lead your life, while the lack of awareness creates a follower mentality.  Knowledge creates awareness and awareness creates the ability to change.

Now just as knowledge creates awareness, awareness creates responsibility, and responsibility creates accountability.  Meaning you will be held accountable for what you understand. But nobody panic, what God has called us to he has also given us the ability to do.  We are not created to follow the pattern of the world. We are connected to heaven and the more aware we become of the pattern of heaven the greater our ability to affect change.  So don’t be surprised when you see the world differently than most people. We are not called to be conformed to the world, we are called to conform the world to heaven. The only way to do that is to have awareness that there is a distinction between the two.