If you see someone affecting great change and having an impact in their sphere of influence, you see someone who is strong and disciplined.  You become strong through discipline. You become disciplined because you have vision.

Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction.”

Where there is no revelation there is no need to have restraint. When there is no idea of what this life should look like, people do whatever they most conveniently find to do.   

Revelation means to unveil.  To unveil means to see something you didn’t see before but was already there.

Vision is when you can see or picture the future.  When you can see yourself doing something amazing that relates your gifts and your potential, that is revelation.  That incite creates desire to realize what you picture. That desire creates a longing to have what it is you see. That longing creates the necessity to commit to achieving that vision.  That commitment requires creating a plan. That plan requires action to realize the vision. That vision creates purpose. Purpose is the reason why you do something. Purpose and vision create the necessity for discipline. Discipline creates progress, strength and self control. Self control creates the ability to persevere. Perseverance is the vehicle that causes you to reach and achieve your vision despite obstacles or the length of time.

I think there are two things that can well up in us when we see someone who has achieved great things.  The first thing is we have admiration. We admire and stand a little bit in awe of what they have accomplished.   The second thing that rises up in us is the desire to do something great just like they did. This happens because each one of us was created for greatness. We can become more aware of our God given potential when we see someone who tapped into theirs.

Discipline and strength are the byproducts of purpose and vision.  Vision is where you are going. Purpose is why you are going there.  You need these two things to necessitate the rest.

What is your vision and purpose in life?