The environment we grow up in becomes the foundation and education for how we think, feel and act.  We are not born speaking a language, we learn to speak a language. We are not born with worry, or fear, or doubt, we learn these things.   

For example my 8 month old son is not afraid of falling down the stairs.  He is not aware nor has he learned that if you go face first down the stairs without the right technique, you will end up smashing your face.  We are not born with the laws of our environment downloaded in our minds, we must learn them.

Let’s say that there is a boy born in China.  His parents are Chinese and they speak mandarin.  They own and work on their farm and their community is all about farming.  On the day of this Chinese boys birth he is adopted by a Mexican family who lives in Mexico.  They speak Spanish and own a restaurant. Their community is all about food and the restaurant business.

Will this Chinese boy, born in China that now lives in Mexico, learn to speak mandarin or Spanish?  He will learn Spanish, because his adopted parents speak Spanish. Will this boy know how to farm? Remember his birth parents are farmers.  No, he will learn about the restaurant business. Why? Because this is the environment he will grow up in. Will this boy have a Chinese accent or a Mexican accent?  Mexican, because he never learned mandarin.

Though this boy originated from a different environment he will become like the environment he grows up in, this is called environmental conditioning.  This means that we have learned to think, feel and act the way we think, feel and act. Which also means we can change the way we think, feel and act.

The pattern of thinking, feeling and acting that each of us has produces results in keeping with that pattern.  If we keep this pattern we will guarantee we get the same results. What if you want different results? You have to break the old pattern and create a new one that produces the results you want.  

No one is permanently stuck with the way they think, feel and act.  All you have to do is unstuck yourself. I will teach my 8 month old son the correct technique to safely go up and down the stairs and he will master it.  All we need is to apply the right information for a long enough period of time to get the results we desire.

You can create the environment that will produce the life you want. Go therefore and unstuck yourself!