Purpose is the meaning and reason for life.  To walk in purpose is to live in function. Sin is the misuse and abuse of a created thing.  Sin is a malfunction which is why is creates death.

When we don’t understand our purpose we live in confusion.  We ask the questions, “Who am I?” and “What should I do with my life?”  With purpose have have meaning for life. We discover our value and potential and work to realize it.  

Purpose gives us a direction to travel.  While sin creates a closed loop cycle. Purpose creates vision and goals that necessitate commitment, action and focus.  Sin creates boredom and boredom creates the longing for entertainment. The equation of distraction breaks down like this: Boredom + entertainment = time wasted.  When this equation becomes the main function of our life it’s because we lack purpose.

When God created mankind he said, “Let’s make man in our image and in our likeness.”  God created us with amazing mental facilities. We all have, imagination, intuition, will, perception, memory, and reason.  These facilities are fueled by an idea. An Idea moves into your imagination where you see pictures. As you get emotionally involved with the pictures you create in your imagination, you create desire.  Desire creates action. Action creates your results. This means that your results are based off of the ideas you think about.

If you live in the equation of distraction then you cultivate an environment of temptation.   Temptation is an idea sourced from malfunction. If you continually fuel yourself with images and ideas of malfunction you will create results in keeping with malfunction.  You become an instrument to whatever you are fueled by. You think, feel and act in conformity to the environment that you are continually nourished by.

Purpose is the answer to the distraction problem.  Distraction comes from being board, not wanting to take action, or not knowing what actions to take.  Purpose is the reason you were born. As you discover why your were born you begin to see pictures of yourself in the future.  This is called vision. When you discover the value you have and how you could share that with the world that creates desire and desire creates action.   Now purpose and vision bring meaning to your life. They give you a reason to wake up in the morning. Purpose and vision begin to necessitate the effective use of time.  It becomes more valuable to use your time than to waste your time. Because your desire is to fulfill your purpose and vision, you constantly nourish yourself on thoughts and ideas that help you grow, mature, and become who you were created to become.    

You were made on purpose, for a purpose with a purpose.  Distraction exists to get you to overlook your purpose. Don’t be deceived.  You were born inside of time and just the right time for a period of time to display the splendor of God.   Your unique expression displays a piece of who God is.