I have heard it said that the quality of your life is based off the quality of the questions you ask yourself.  A question I recently heard was, “What is my potential?” What is my potential? What is your potential? That’s a good question.

Potential is the ability we have to become what we picture in our mind. Maybe you have had the experience of having a dream where you are doing something amazing in the future, but when you come down from the dream and think about how possible or impossible it is, you come to the conclusion that it’s not going to happen.  After all, you don’t know anyone who has done something great like that before nor do you have any idea how to accomplish what you see. Plus it’s scary to think about all the things you would have to do that you are afraid of doing. I know I have had that experience.  But let’s consider potential.

Potential is the “ability to become” what we picture.  What we picture in our mind is not what we have done, or have become, or know how to do. What we picture is what we could become, what we could do, what we could learn. Potential is the picture we see that could be, not what is.  

What will it take to realize my potential?  It will take commitment. We have to commit to something we have no idea how to accomplish and that is way outside the bounds of our comfort zone.  Sometimes I see what I’m capable of but I don’t always believe that I can do it. I believe that I’m capable of what I see, but I don’t believe that I have what it takes to flesh it out.  Those two beliefs are not compatible. How do we get past the unbelief and get into belief?

We have to be ok with the unknown.  It’s ok that we don’t know how we are going to accomplish what we see.  It just matters that we commit to it. This is how faith works. God gives us this revelation of what our life is about, and when this happens he’s not asking if you know how you are going to accomplish it.  He’s asking, “Are you in?” There is no such thing as blind faith. Faith is initiated through revelation. Meaning when God gives you a revelation of what your life is about you now have something to have faith in.  That being said you do not need all the information to have faith, you just need some.

When we commit to what we are called to do and get into the process, the process reveals itself.  As we define step number one and take action we discover step number two. And maybe in step number two, we discover steps 3-5.  As we get into the process the process works itself out. If we can do this consistently and persistently we will realize our potential.  

Remember God’s not asking if you know how to do it.  God’s asking, “will you do it?”