Transformation in life is something that takes management.  For example if your goal was to lose 15 lbs, you created a plan and worked at it until you reached your goal.  But once you reach your goal there is still a necessity to manage your diet and exercise so you keep it off. If after you lose the weight you gain it all back, you are back at square one.

Having grass is a good example of this.  You can’t (unfortunately) mow your lawn once for the season and be done.  It requires a regular upkeep and management.

But what if you get behind on mowing the lawn?  And what if at the same time you get behind on the laundry?  And in addition to the lawn and the laundry, you get behind on cleaning the house, and the basement is a mess and the garage is full of crap, and the kids this and your marriage that and work………? And on top of it all your tired.  Is it possible to recover when it seems too much to bear? HECK FREAKING YES!!

Step 1: Nobody Panic. Take about 20 deep breaths.  Let the peace of mind sink in. Let hope penetrate your imagination.  There is a way through this.

Step 2: Assess the situation.  What needs to be done? Make a list to free up your mind space.   

Step 3: Prioritize. Take the list you made and number them from most important to least important.  Having a clean basement is important but having clean underwear is more important.

Step 4: Take bite size and achievable steps.  Look, Rome wasn’t built in a day, it was more like two or three days.  Seriously, it’s ok that this takes time to accomplish everything on your list.  By working with the most important things first, you don’t have to stress out about the secondary things that will get taken care of at a later date.

Step 5: Continue to work it out.  Transformation is a process and it is ok that it is a process.  If you are in the process, then you are becoming transformed. You can’t get anymore proactive than active.  

Sometimes it can be easy to dread things vs doing them.  But if you do the things you dread you will find you have less things to dread.  We have the capacity to master our lives inside and out. Don’t ever lose hope or think you can’t recover.  Vision of a desirable future creates hope. Creating a plan to achieve your vision creates clarity. A clear plan to get to a future you actually want, creates action.  If you commit to your vision and plan and manage your commitment daily, you will create the vision you seek. Come on somebody!