Without clarity we lose sight of which way we should go, or which of the 100 ideas passing through our minds we should actually get into.  The lack of clarity creates frustration and inhibits change and growth. Clarity is a key component to a life lived on purpose.

Clarity is created through a revelation of the future.  This revelation of the future is what we call vision. Vision is the picture you see of the future that could be, but is not yet.  Vision creates a direction for life. True vision will require the potential of your gifts and interests. This kind of vision reveals your purpose.  Purpose is the reason why you do something. It’s the fuel to take action to work towards the vision you see. It’s the reason you exist.

With a clear picture of the future and a reason to create what you see, you need a map to get there.  This road map is your plan on how you are practically going to create the future you see. The road map is a key component to clarity because it’s easy to think about your vision but not actually work towards it.  It’s only in working towards it that you turn that invisible idea into a visible reality. Pulling the invisible into the visible is a function of life. It’s how God creates everything, and he made us in his image and his likeness.  

Hebrews 11:3 says, “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.”

Romans 4:17b

“God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did;”

It’s normal to see a problem or need in this world and believe that you are the solution for it.  God looked at the world and said, “ You know what this world needs, it needs you.” And inside of you God hid a solution to a problem that he wants solved.  And you are the answer. The revelation of vision and purpose is God’s solution to a problem. That solution requires effort, action and co-operation to become a reality.  This means that some people have come into this world with a solution and left without offering it. That is what you call a life lived unfulfilled. Clarity is the key to an effective and fulfilled life.