True commitment is very powerful.  Commitment is a decision you make that says, “ No matter the cost, the length of time, or the obstacles faced I will reach my destination.”  

The road to your destination is one that requires tenacity.  Tenacity is the quality or fact of being able to grip something firmly; the quality or fact of being very determined; the quality or fact of continuing to exist; persistence.

I like the “quality or fact of continuing to exist,”  it speaks to the times where all you can do is show up. There are days when you feel like you should run in the opposite direction but commitment says, “show up”.

Commitment needs tenacity, it needs attitude, determination, obstinance, stubbornness. Commitment needs fire, desire, hope, discipline, persistence, consistence, perseverance. Commitment needs willingness, patience, understanding, wisdom, knowledge, dedication to learning.   

Commitment is powerful, without it, it would be impossible to walk through the things you will walk through.  Without commitment you can just jump ship when things get challenging. It’s not a matter of if things will get challenging, they will get challenging.  Because there is a cost, there are obstacles and there is definitely a length of time.

Commitment is not a decision to make haphazardly.  You must consider the cost, the obstacles and the length of time so you know what you are getting into.  You want to commit to making it to a destination that you actually want to end up at. You want to commit to a spouse that you actually want, not just one that is convenient. You want to commit to living a life that realizes your potential, not one that just makes an income.

Don’t commit to just settle for what you can only physically see now.  You want to commit to the future you see within you. Commitment is about a future destination and you need tenacity to grab hold of the hope, belief and faith that what you see in your mind is possible.  It takes a certain kind of crazy to walk away from the comfort and “security” of the known into the unknown. And it takes a different kind of crazy to stay on the runway all the while you dream of flying.  

My good peoples, grip those dreams tight and through deliberate action pull them into reality with commitment and tenacity.