Proverbs 12:3 says, “Wickedness never brings stability, but the godly have deep roots.”

I love this constant theme in Proverbs of godliness = function.  The godly have deep roots that cause them to stand firm and stable.  The godly are synonymous with knowledge, wisdom, understanding, diligence, kindness, generosity, speaking works the build up and heal, good work ethic, forgiveness, peace, hope, action, discipline, heeding correction, listening, taking time to be still, respect, honor, just to name a few.  

While the fool is synonymous with, speaking harsh words, lazy, disobedient, despises correction, lack of discipline, hates knowledge, taking the easy path, cheating people, stealing, sleeping instead of working, bad company, disregarding the sanctity of marriage.  

The wise became wise by putting into action what they learned.  Proverbs 14:23 says, “Work brings profit but mere talk leads to poverty!”  Talking about what you know is not the same and using what you know.  

Proverbs 12:1 says, “To learn, you must love discipline; it is stupid to hate correction.”  When your compass is pointing you slightly off course it is necessary to course correct. Correction is important when we hold ideas that aren’t based on the truth.  Our beliefs are our inner compass, and if our beliefs are based off of incorrect ideas and conclusions then our compass is pointing in the wrong direction.  

If you are traveling a very short distance being a few degrees off, you might not get to far off course and be able to recover.  But when you travel a very long distance being a few degrees off, where you end up will be a mystery.  

Heeding the words of the wise will make you wise.  Growing in knowledge and seeking its understanding will make you wise.  Having a deep understanding and relationship with God will make you wise.  Being wise will make you stable, profitable, kind, patient, have a long life, valuable, favorable, prosperous, joyful, peaceful.  There is no downside to wisdom and there is no upside in being a fool.