It’s one thing to feel the effects of a battle, it’s another to fight in it.  No doubt there is a battlefield in the mind. A lot of the times what people perceive as oppression is actually just incorrect thinking.  Focusing on the wrong things that cause anxiety, doubt, and fear. But there is a battle that can occur within where the opponent you face is not yourself. 

It’s in this kind of battle that your resolve, identity, purpose and vision are tested.  This opponent stands against you and says, “No, you will go no further!” This opponents purpose is to shut you down, crush your dreams, and take away everything that you have worked so hard for. 

It’s important to understand that this opponent has no authority over you.  It has no power except that which you give it. The strategy is to get you to agree with him.  To believe what he is saying so that YOU turn back, and YOU quit. He can’t make you do anything, the strategy is only intimidation.  

When your course of action begins to be questioned you may feel the weight of your body on the heels of your feet.  This puts your posture in a readiness to back peddle. This whole battle can come on quite quickly and take you by surprise.  It can be hard to understand what is even happening. All you know is that quitting seems like a good idea.  

The reason you feel like you want to quit everything you have been working for is because the enemy wants your territory, and you are working your way into his.  But there’s a big difference between you and him, the earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof, and you are called to take this land, the enemy is not. You belong here, he does not.  You have the right to advance and he does not. You are commissioned, empowered, and deployed to advance and your advancement destroys the work of the devil.

It’s in times like these that surrender is never the answer.  It’s in times like these where the inner warrior must arise. You can not just let this jack hole take your stuff!  This is where you need some tenacity, and the mentality of the lion looking at the big elephant and thinking to himself, “food.”  It’s not about the size of the threat that matters, it’s in the strength of your resolve that says, “I have no reverse, only forward at full throttle.”