Excuses make sense of why we aren’t doing what we really want to do and should do.  Excuses say, “It’s ok to procrastinate,” “It’s ok to sit down and let life pass you by,” “You don’t need to work hard,” “Just watch some more tv, you aren’t inspired right now,” “You will be more motivated tomorrow,” on and on and on and on.  Excuse your excuses.

If there are things that you want to do, want to see, want to learn, want to create and initiate, do it!  Sometimes there are things we want to do but don’t “feel” like doing. This is because we have established habits that are very comfortable.  What we want to accomplish will take some discomfort. What we do on a regular basis has become normal. So doing something different with your time will be abnormal.  When things are abnormal it’s easy to make excuses not to do them so we can remain in comfort. I heard it said, “There is no growth in comfort and there is no comfort in growth”.   We must excuse our excuses to accomplish what we actually want to accomplish.

My daughter was with me while I was working out in the basement.  She asked me to move the bench so she could reach the straps that were hanging from the top of the rack.  I told her she could move it. Slightly disappointed with my answer she approaches the bench, barely touches it and says she can’t do it.  Her attitude had her failing before she even got to the bench. But her approach was not a true reflection of her ability. It’s possible to make so many excuses that you create the believe that you can’t actually do the things you really want to do.  This belief is not a true reflection of your ability. We need only to stop making excuses and do the work necessary to accomplish what we desire. I helped my daughter get into a good position to pull the bench and she was able to move it and reach the straps.  

Whatever you want to accomplish will require some work.  That work may require some changes in the way you use your time.  Don’t use excuses to make sense of staying in comfort. Instead take action and create the things you actually want.  

Excuse your excuses.  You won’t need them where you are going!