Proverbs 22:3, “A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions.  The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.”

It is important to consider the road you are traveling and the destination at the end of it.  Sheep are well known for the follower mentality. Sheep focus on the wool tail in front of them and follow wherever it goes.  One sheep follows the sheep in front of him who is following the sheep in front of him, who is following the one in front of him, and hopefully, someone, somewhere is following the shepherd.  Emphasis on “hopefully”. 

Similarly its very easy to go with the flow of our society or community and do what everyone else is doing, hoping that someone, somewhere has the correct directions to a life worth living.  But the moment you look up and see where you are going and consider if that is the best way for you, you just became the leader of your life.  

Considering why you do what you do creates the awareness that you have options.  Are you where you want to be? Are you who you want to be? If not are the things you are doing today helping you get to where you want to go and who you want to be?  You have the power to see where you want to go and go there. In order to do this you must look up. You can not afford to blindly follow for the cost will be more than you can bear.  

The prudent person foresees, considers, thinks, meditates, cultivates the path he is on and picks the best course of action for the desired destination.  While the simpleton, the mediocre, the average, the follower, the one who complains about being too busy to stop and think, goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.

Lead your life and live on purpose!