Do you ever get tired of the way you are thinking and feeling?  Maybe thinking the same negative thoughts over a situation day in and day out.  Or the same worry or fear of the unknown of the future. If we keep using the same ingredients we will keep getting the same dish.  If we are tired of the dish, it’s time for some new ingredients.  

If you’re sick of thinking about the same things over and over with no results, then it’s time for some new ideas.  If you’re tired of feeling blah over your life, then it’s time for some new pictures of the possibility of today and tomorrow.  If you’re tired of being bored, then it’s time to do new things.  

It’s amazing how we can take one negative thought and think it with such repetition that we can lose sight of what we have and what we can do.  But when you recognize that what you are thinking and feeling isn’t actually changing anything, and it’s only a cycle that produces the same results, we create the space to stop that cycle and choose to move on.  

If we think the same thoughts we will maintain the same emotions, which will create the same actions.  If we want a new outcome we need new thoughts that will produce new emotions and new actions.  

Gratitude comes from reflecting on what you have and what you have been given.  Interestingly enough it is very easy to overlook what you have, which is why reflecting and recalling these things is very important.  Gratitude puts you in a position of abundance instead of lack. Your focus is on what you have instead of what you don’t have, or don’t think you have.  With this perspective shift, comes a renewed attitude and energy. Thoughts of potential and hope begin to refresh the mind and the body.  

New ingredients make a new dish.