Have you ever felt like maybe you have missed the ship?  That maybe you procrastinated too long and now the dream you longed to realize is not possible any longer.  That feeling is pretty discouraging to say the least. But how could you miss the ship that you are building?  If you have a vision and a dream, it will require your actions and attention to realize it. That means your vision and your dreams are still waiting for you to pull them into existence.  The time is ripe, not rotten!  

Lose the idea that the ship has sailed or that the time has passed.  If you are alive the ship is still within you. There is a process to turn an idea into vision, and vision into reality.  It’s easy to get swept up in the idea that it was somehow easier for others to realize their dream and your struggle is unique.  But that’s because you only see these people after they have a finished product. You don’t see the process, the struggle, the confusion and the perseverance to create clarity, goals, and take action to reach those goals.  Your struggle is shared by all who have and will set out to realize their vision. You did not miss the ship. 

You are the right person for the job.  When God called you before the foundation of the world, he thought to himself, “This one is one to watch.”  God put inside of you everything you would need to accomplish the purpose of your existence. The dreams you dream with God are more than in reach, they are at hand.  Your unique expression is the answer in this hour. This is no time to shrink back in shame, doubt, worry or fear. This is the hour of the mighty, courageous, tenacious and powerful people of God.  This is the time for great exploits. This is the time to go into the world and solve some real problems. This is the time to take freedom to the captives, to bind up the broken hearted, and to release the prisoners from darkness.  

It’s time for the children of the light to go where it is dark, to transform darkness into light.  It is time to build that ship! That dream you have been dreaming, that solution you have been cultivating in your inner man, that is your ship.  That ship will give you access to operate in the darkness. The darkness will welcome you, because you solve a problem and fulfill a need that has been plaguing them.  Go and build your ship, set sail and realize these dreams! This is what you were born for. You were born for this very hour to demonstrate the true goodness and correct image of the God who created all things.  You are the answer to a specific problem. Be strong and very courageous, and build that ship! Then sail it long and sail it hard until all that is left is a splinter. Myles Munroe said it like this, “Don’t die old, die empty”.  It’s not old age that will kill us, it’s the fulfillment and realization of our full potential that will mark the end of this life.  

Build that ship!