When you first get married you are pretty enamored with each other.  Then after the first year or so, you start seeing that you are two different people, constantly living together and the things you once had patience for quickly become the things that frustrate you.  But this is where you begin to develop who you are as a couple, where the two become one. This is the process of becoming a real team. Where you understand each other, and work together, instead of working against each other like two opposing forces.

What do you need to be a couple and a family that lives on purpose?  Especially when one or both of you are working all day and seemingly going to two different directions.  How do you move in the same direction even though doing different things? How do you keep yourself from just settling in life where you just go through the motions and instead create the motion in the ocean?

It all starts with vision.  Vision starts out as an idea, an idea as simple and profound as, “What if our family positively impacted our community.” “What if because we showed up and engaged with those around us, they encountered the goodness of God.”  Asking the question, “What do we want our lives to be about? What do we want our lives to equate to?”. These questions stimulate your creativity, and you begin to picture the impact your lives could have. These questions cause you to look inside of yourself and see your potential.  That potential speaks of the gifts you have to offer and serve others with.  

Maybe you think about these things, but have never talked to your spouse about them.  This was a real thing for me. I thought my wife should be able to discern my gifts, desires and dreams but let me tell you, boy was I wrong.  Who knew you needed to actually communicate your dreams and visions with your spouse if you wanted him or her to know about and be apart of them.  But you do. By starting this dialog you begin to start the journey of living together on purpose. When you share the vision, the vision can be shared.  

To be continued.