What are the things you have been thinking about lately?  What out of the box ideas have you been dreaming about? What “what if” questions have you been cultivating?  “What if we did this?” “What if we went here?” “What if we committed to doing this?” The “what if” questions reveal potential, purpose and creates vision.  

Have you followed up any of those “what if” questions with “yeah but” statements? “Yeah but I don’t have those gifts.”  “Yeah but people probably wont want to participate.” “Yeah but there are others already doing that.” “Yeah but it will cost a lot of money.”  “Yeah but I have tried something like this before and it didn’t work.” These “yeah but” statements create unbelief and generate excuses for why these ideas aren’t possible and wont work.  

These “what if” questions are how we dream the dreams God dreams about.  In places of lack, and hurt, “what if” questions see how to create abundance and healing.  “What if,” lives from the perspective that nothing is impossible and there is no end to the potential of the greatness, glory and goodness of God that can be displayed on earth through our actions based upon these “what if” ideas. 

What dreams are you dreaming about that are waiting for your action?  What dreams need you to overlook the “yeah but” statements? What action (s) are you willing to commit to this week that will help propel you into the future you are picturing?  What we do today will determine what tomorrow looks like. If we keep doing what we have been doing then we will keep getting the same results. In order to be somewhere tomorrow that we are not at today, we need to do something today that will get us there.  If we keep putting off until tomorrow the things we need to do today, tomorrow will look an awful lot like today.   

What if this week I……………  fill in the blank.

Come on somebody, live your life from the reality of the unlimited potential that God is longing to release into this world through you!