Sharing your dreams and desires with your spouse in the beginning can be very vulnerable.  You may be sharing things that you have never shared with anyone before. You may have never even said them out loud just to yourself before.  When Carolyn and I want to share something that is vulnerable we like to set the stage first. “Hey, I want to talk to you, but what I have to say makes me feel very vulnerable.  So please don’t laugh or put me down.” Bam, stage set. Let the in-to-me-see begin.     

A couple of years ago I was reading a book by Myles Munroe called Rediscovering the Kingdom.  This was one of five books I read in a three month period that fueled the birth of Be Transformed. This book talks about God’s original intent, the purpose behind the creation of the world and man.  It talks about how the kingdom of God is a government and not a religion. I’m reading this book and learning things I had never heard of before. He’s breaking down scriptures in a different way then I had previously learned them.  I grew up going to church, I worked with a missions group for four years, I travelled to other countries in evangelistic campaigns, and I’m reading things in this book that I had never heard before.  

This information was doing two things for me.  One, I was pissed. How is it possible that I had never heard any of this before?!  Two, it helped fuel my fire for a life of desire. This information was substance for my gifts and potential.  I began to see what my life could look like and be about. This was the birth of my vision.  

One day I’m in the kitchen with my wife and I begin to share about these things I was learning and thinking about.  I tell her about my desire to help people change the way they think and get into the life they were born to get into.  There were some aspects of this vision that my wife was a little unsure about. But this was because she hadn’t been cultivating the thoughts I was. I was consuming all this new information and having new revelations, but until I shared these things with her she couldn’t be apart of it. 

Sharing your dreams and desires for the first time is like planting seeds.  The seeds you plant don’t instantly sprout out of the ground. It takes a little time, as well as some consistent care.  Carolyn didn’t instantly see what I was seeing, but the more we talked about it, the more we consumed the same information, the more we began to take action to create the ideas we were coming up with, the more the vision became ours, instead of just mine.  

Share your dreams and desires with your spouse.  Picture the impact that your lives can have, and then go live on purpose.