Proverbs 19:9 says,

“A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.”

I was listening to a talk by Myles Monroe who was talking about an experience he had on a cruise ship.  He was invited on the ship as a guest of the captain. The captain took him into the control room where they pilot the ship.  The captain showed him around and then took him to the steering controls. The captain turned the steering wheel to the right and to the left demonstrating how it worked but the ship didn’t move.  You can move the steering wheel all you want but unless the ship is moving, steering has no effect.

Proverbs says, “the Lord directs his (man’s) steps”  What are the man’s steps based off of? The plans of his heart.  The dreams and desires you and I cultivate in God are what we base our plans off of.  Taking the time and effort to work out how we are going to create what we picture in our mind is what gives us the motivation to move in a direction because we have somewhere to go.  Only once we start moving does God have something too direct.

I looked up the Hebrew word “direct” and some off the descriptive words are: to set up, establish, fix, prepare, confirm, faithfulness, fashion, fasten, firm, frame, order, perfect, make preparation.  

The things that we are dreaming are the very things God wants to do.  He is invested in our success. Because our success is to his glory. In John 15:7-8 Jesus said it like this,

“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.  By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.”

Make some plans and start moving, because a ship on the move can be directed.  But a ship tied to a dock can not.