In Luke 8 Jesus and his disciples arrive by boat to a new town and a man possessed by demons came out to meet them as they are climbing out of the boat.  This man had been possessed for a long time sleeping in tombs, running around naked and screaming. In verse 29 it said about the man, 

“This spirit had often taken control of the man. Even when he was placed under guard and put in chains and shackles, he simply broke them and rushed out into the wilderness, completely under the demon’s power.”

Jesus delivers this guy and in verse 35 it says,

“People rushed out to see what had happened. A crowd soon gathered around Jesus, and they saw the man who had been freed from the demons. He was sitting at Jesus’ feet, fully clothed and perfectly sane, and they were all afraid.”

When this man was under the control of the demons he had no control of his speech or actions.  His body became the vehicle and his mind was locked in the trunk. But when Jesus came on the scene and set him free he was in his right mind not to mention fully clothed. In Jesus this man was no longer locked in the trunk, he had the keys and was behind the steering wheel.  

Life in God has you at the wheel.  One of the byproducts and proof of the Spirit of God inside of you is self control.  Self control is the ability to control one’s self. You can’t control yourself if you are not at the wheel.  God’s not interested in make us do anything. We are made to house the Spirit of God. Housing an evil spirit is a counterfeit to this reality.  And it’s a misuse and abuse, which is why it takes the keys and locks the person’s mind in the truck. Where the Spirit of God sets you free and gives you access to the mind and heart of God.  The Spirit of God creates the ability to have deep communion with God. And it’s this relationship that creates a new way of thinking and seeing that is based off of how God sees and thinks. 

Life in God has you at the wheel, with the Holy Spirit as the copilot.  Let the adventures begin.