In Luke 10 Jesus gathers 72 of his disciples to send them out to the towns and villages that he is planning to go to. Before he sends them he gives them instructions and in verse 16 says,
“Anyone who accepts your message is also accepting me. And anyone who rejects you is rejecting me. And anyone who rejects me is rejecting God, who sent me.”
When these men left on their mission they left as representatives of Jesus who represented the Father. So not only did they represent the one who sent them but the one who sent the one who sent them (you know what I’m saying).
When a representative is sent they have a duty and responsibility to give themself completely to the task and complete their assignment. The representative is sent because there is something to be accomplished. If the representative never puts his focus on the task, then the goal is never reached. And the one who sent him is left unrepresented to the people he sent his representative to reach.
In John 20:21 Jesus said,
“As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”
Jesus gave his whole self to his assignment of bringing the reality of the kingdom of heaven to earth. When he rose from the dead into glory, he gave us the assignment of representing him on earth, just like he represented the Father while he was on earth. God sent us to represent him in power. The influence of the kingdom of heaven grows as the representatives give themselves wholly to their assignment. And history will prove whether we did or not.