In John 7:37-39 Jesus said,

“Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink.  Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”

Jesus said that the Holy Spirit is a river that is sourced inside of us and flows out of us.  A river in the mountains at spring time has the snow melt and the rainfall being funneled into it.  It’s as if there is no end to the massive volume of water that flows down the mountain with such power and force.  

This river inside of us has no end.  This river has no limit of power, force, energy, momentum, or volume.  There is no shortage of creativity, new ideas, new levels of inspiration and motivation.  There is no shortage of desire, passion, purpose or vision. There is no shortage in knowledge, understanding, or wisdom.  With this river there is no end to how many times you can pick yourself up, show up and throw down. There is no end to the patient endurance, persistent consistence or insistence that can be employed.  There is no limit on the amount of success (goals reached) you can create. There is no dream too big or too far that can not be accomplished. There is no amount of love that you can pour out that will ever deplete your stores.  

This is the power of God alive in you.  Never use it sparingly! Make every attempt to run that baby dry!  The more you let the river flow from you the more you increase your outflow volume. Meaning the more you give, increases the volume you can give.  The more you make demands on your potential and creativity, the greater your capacity. The more you use what you have, the more you have to use. There is no end to this river that is sourced inside of you because it is by nature eternal. And therefore without end.   

Let that river flow!