The only way to create progress in life and in your dreams and vision is to take action.  Procrastination is the enemy of action. Procrastination says, “As long as it’s called tomorrow, I will do it then”.  Then tomorrow becomes today and the same message rings out, “As long as it’s called tomorrow, I will do it then”. An idea that fuels procrastination is perfectionism.  This idea that everything must be perfect and every factor accounted for in order to take action. It seems like a good idea until days and months and years go by and you still haven’t made any progress. You haven’t made any progress because you can’t seem to put the exact picture you hold in your mind on paper and because you can’t articulate it in the most precise and concise way, you never believe that it is good enough to put into motion. This perfectionist approach serves as an excuse to never taking action. 

Many times I have procrastinated in putting something into motion because I couldn’t seem to find the perfect words.  And over time I would look for progress and to my surprise not much was to be found. And the reason was because I wasn’t following all the way through to completion, due to that fact that it wasn’t perfect. 

The reality is that everything is constantly changing.  Nothing ever stays the same. There are always new and better ways to do something.  New inventions overtake old ones. Old inventions stimulate new ones. Computer and phone programs get launched and then after they get used they discover bugs and other problems and then send out updates.  There is nothing being done today that can’t be done better and more efficient tomorrow. So what does that mean?  

Take action now with what you have and be committed to working it out.  It’s only by taking action now that you can discover what needs to be adjusted.  Without the experience that comes from action, you will never discover what needs to be adjusted. Perfectionism is a counterfeit to excellence.  Excellence is something that is developed through action. Taking action with what you have, creates trial and error. Trial and error stimulates problem solving.  Problem solving stimulates knowledge and understanding. Knowledge and understanding stimulates growth, maturity and ability. Life is a process and the only way to create progress is by taking action now.