Learning is vital to realize your potential.  Potential is what you could do, not what you have done.  Therefore to be able to do the things we have never done we must learn how to do them.  Learning creates growth. It expands the mind. It expands our thinking. What you think is possible reaches new heights when you learn something you never knew or had seen before.  

I went to a fundraising event with a Group called “Forge” whose aim is to raise up young leaders to participate in and influence government for the kingdom.  One of their programs has to do with mentorships. They pair up a student with a person who is already in the field they want to go into. This idea expanded my thinking.  It created new “What if” questions. As I am helping people discover their purpose and mission in life, what if I could pair them up with people who are already doing the thing they want to do. This would no doubt accelerate their development process of turning their idea into a reality.  Then I started thinking about the process of creating relationships with people who could be mentors. Going to this fundraiser expanded my thinking of what was possible. I learned what other people where doing and if stimulated creativity in me.   

Learning new things creates new ideas.  Those new ideas create new questions. Seeking out the answers create greater knowledge and understanding that can then be used to accomplish your mission.  Growing in knowledge is part of the process to create new progress.  

I’ve heard it said that the average American reads less than one book a year.  While the average CEO reads forty to sixty books a year and attends at least seven conferences.  You will cease to grow if you cease to know.  

Book recommendations: “God is good” by Bill Johnson, “The Pursuit of Purpose” by Myles Munroe, “Forging Self-Confidence” by David Rutherford

Learning is part of success.  You are created to succeed. Therefore you are created to learn.