Doubt creates road blocks, detours and u-turns to our ideas, vision and purpose.  Doubt is defined as: a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction; to call into question the truth of; to lack confidence in. 

If there is doubt, there was first an idea.  That idea stimulated your imagination where you began to dream of creating something new and taking action that would affect positive change.  Doubt is created when we begin to think about all the reasons that the idea won’t work. The more we question the idea, the more uncertain we get, the less confidence we have and then ultimately we let that idea go.    

Doubt restricts and shrinks our perspective where we are no longer able to see the big picture.  We no longer see all the benefits or the unlimited possibilities and potential that this idea holds.  All we can see and feel is that we probably shouldn’t do it and should just keep doing what we have been doing and therefore keep getting the same results.  

Faith on the other hand is belief in the unseen.  Faith causes you to look at the idea and see all kinds of benefits and potential. Faith looks at the idea with a belief that what you see in your mind you can create in reality.  Faith spurs on creativity to solve problems and overcome obstacles. While doubt looks at an obstacle as a roadblock or dead end with a sign that says, “Go back the way you came”.  Faith looks at the very same obstacle and turns it into a question that when sought out the answer will help overcome it.  

Doubt is a counterfeit to wisdom.  It seems like wisdom due to the fact that you can look into the future and consider the outcome.  But in the perspective of doubt the outcome will always be undesirable. While faith and true wisdom loves bold risk, because wisdom knows if there is no risk there is no reward.  Therefore if the reward is great enough then the risk is worth it.