We have a BT Group running currently and we are reading through Myles Monroe’s, “Spirit Of Leadership” book.  This book is a must read for anyone who wants to develope the BT mind set.  In chapter 4 he is talking about self-esteem and he said something very facinating:

“While self-worth asks, “How much value do I believe I have?” self-esteem asks, “What does this mean to my environment?”  Self-esteem is your estimation of your value to the world.  It is how you regaud yourself in terms of your contribution and usefulness to others.  Self-esteem is therefore your sense of significance to the world and the universe.”

This is a wonderful truth.  Your self-esteem or the estimation of your worth is connected to your understanding of the value you have to offer.  When you begin to discover your God given gift, you begin to see the value of your contribution.  Your potential rises up in the form of ideas and dreams and gives you insite to what you could do and become.  As you dream these dreams  you begin to see yourself as God sees you.   This is important.

If your self concept is made up of past failures, dumb things people have said to you, and negitive experiances, then who you think you are is not connected to the truth.  Now this is bad because your life will be what you think it should be.  If you view yourself as not having much value to bring to a situation then you wont bring much value.  However if you view yourself as vitaly nessissary then you will think, feel and act as someone who is vitaly nessissary.  And guess what, you will be vitaly nessissary.

“Ultimately, your subconscious attitude affects your altitude: The height to which your heart aspires depends on the information that is in it.” Spirit Of Leadership

How you view yourself affects what you think you can do.  The bible says that before God created the world he chose you.  God thought about the world and said, “You know what this place needs, it needs you.” and then he thought about the contribution you would have and then gave you everything you would need to be able to do what he dreamed you would do.  The gift God gave you is connected to the reason God made you.  As you begin to dream dreams of you having massive value you are now on the correct pathway to having a self-esteem that is worthy of the calling you have receieved.

You are in control of the thoughts you think.  Check the quality of the ideas that are currently connected to your self concept.  Only except high quality thoughts about yourself.  Any low quality idea is not connected to the truth.  We must intagrate the truth about who God made us to be, in the way we think, feel and act.  Then who we think we are is connected to who God made us to be.  The byproduct of your self concept being rooted in the truth, is you having a massive contribution to this generation and beyond.  Dream about what you were born to do.  And then do what you are dreaming about.