Have you ever found yourself complaining about how life is hard?  Have you ever had a hard day turn into a hard week, that turned into a hard month?  Well if you’re not careful that hard month can turn into a pattern of living that will turn your whole year into a hard year.  

When we look at our life and complaining is the outcome, we have lost sight of the fact that we created it.  We chose our job, friends, lack of friends, health style, life style, where we live, who we live with, what we do with our free time.  We are the sum total of the decisions we make every day.

We complain when we become aware that the results we are getting in life are not desirable.   Complaining comes from the perspective that we can’t handle the conditions of life nor can we affect change.  But I put it to you like this, we absolutely can handle the situations and circumstances in our life and we absolutely can affect change.  

A victim mentality looks at life and says I can’t change this I must just except it.  While someone with the responsibility mentality looks at the situation and says, “This happened because of something I did, or didn’t do.”  When we take responsibility for our lives we acknowledge that we are where we are because of the choices we have made. This means that if we don’t like the results that our choices produced we must only make better choices.  This puts you in control of your life.

Let’s say that we don’t like the results of the pattern of our living but we lack the motivation to change.  What do we do then? It’s time to consider our vision. What do you want, where you do want to go, what do you actually want to do with your life?  Sometimes people lack the motivation to change because their goals suck. If our goal is to just get by, or to just pay the bills, or just to keep up with the credit card payment, then our goal is to just survive.  Who wants to just survive? This is why we would lack motivation, because all the work we would need to do to survive in the end just keeps us afloat. The reward is not worth the work.

Who said we have to just get by in life.  I know a guy named Jesus who said, “I came to bring life and life abundantly.”  If you want motivation for change then you need a good enough reason to take action.  You need goals that are worth the effort. Goals like, I’m not leaving this earth without realizing my full potential, I’m not only going to dominate in life but I will take as many people as I possibly can with me, I’m going to read two books a month to ensure that I keep learning and growing to help me realize my potential.  I’m not going to just work a job I’m going to use my job as a platform to become more valuable. I’m not going to marinate in problems I’m going to swim in solutions. I will never be a victim of my own life. I will believe that I can instead of I can’t. When life seems hard I will intentionally add more resistance because I can handle what comes my way and much more.  I will never be defeated, I can not lose. Don’t mind me I’m just too busy winning, is my slogan.

Pour those goals over your morning cereal that they become the fuel of your life.  You can’t stop someone who won’t quit. Hebrews 10:39

“But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved.”