My son and I rode our bikes to the skate park the other day to mess around.  When we arrived there were quite a few elementary aged kids on scooters riding around.  My son jumped right in the mix. After about ten minutes another kid showed up on his scooter who was maybe in high school.  This guy quickly grabbed the attention of the other kids with all the tricks he was doing. All the kids gathered around him to see what he was doing and to try to learn from him.  I heard some of the younger kids talking about him. One asked, “What’s his name?” The other kid responded, “I don’t know his name, but he is the best in BG.”

This older kid had a reputation because he was good at what he liked doing.  To have a reputation means that you are known for a specific thing. To become known for a specific thing you need to stand out.  Jesus said in Luke 11:33,

“No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light.”  

This guy stood out among the crowd because of his skills.  To the younger kids he is a picture of what is possible. If he could do these things, then it’s possible for them as well.  This guy becomes a picture of hope and potential. Because he can do what they hope to do, they will listen to whatever he says.  This is called influence. Influence is the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself.  Influence is powerful because people become conformed to what they are influenced by.

Your God given gift defined and refined is what makes you stand out.  As you truly become who you really are, you stand out because you are unique.  Everyone is unique, but not everyone taps into it. Some people believe that it is wrong to stand out.  Some people don’t think they have anything special in them. These beliefs cause people to hide and blend in, instead of stand out.  

Let’s say the scooter guy built ramps in his backyard and never went to the skate park.  He still becomes really skillful but no one ever sees it. He doesn’t make any videos, he doesn’t go to any competitions and he doesn’t ride in public, nor does he teach anyone what he knows.  Though he becomes really good he will never have influence. He wont have influence because he doesn’t have a reputation. He doesn’t have a reputation because he is not known by anyone. He’s not known by anyone because he never shines in public.  

The people of the kingdom are created to stand out.  We are to become so good at what we do that we become known for it.  When we become known for what we do people will seek us out to serve them what we offer.  It’s here were we create relationships, demonstrate the kingdom, bring people into what we are doing and affect great change.  

Become skillful.