Proverbs 14:4, “Without oxen a stable stays clean, but you need a strong ox for a large harvest.”  Life is not always neat and tighty. Places that are always neat and tighty don’t have a lot of life.  For example graveyards are very nice and tighty, while a house full of kids is full of life and what was once neat and tighty is spread throughout the entire house.  

There is a reality that stepping into purpose and vision can and will produce some messes. Expanding your business, adding new sources of income, taking a class, becoming more skillful at what you hope to do, will all take work, change and my entail cleaning up some ox patties.  If you look too hard at the work you might overlook the destination your work will get you to.  

For example buying an ox is definitely going to change the dynamics of your nice clean animal free stable.  The stable will be filled with dust, hay and the smell of the ox. The stable won’t ever be the same, but in order to have the harvest you want, this change is necessary.       

Dirtying up the stable can be uncomfortable at the beginning.  It’s like buying a new shiny scratch free truck for work, and then not wanting to use because it’s so pretty.  But the whole reason you bought the truck was to use it. 

Life is not about preserving what you have, it’s about using what you have to achieve your purpose in life.  The goal, vision and destination is the reason why you step into life and get your hands, house, stable, truck and life dirty.  You were given this one life to use it, don’t waste it by trying to preserve it. Go all in!