It’s interesting to think about all the different things we use that someone else created.  The home we live in is the byproduct of a builder. Someone at some point had an idea to become a builder.  That person’s idea gave them something to create that benefited others.   

Do you ever listen to a song on repeat?  Someone at some point had an idea, a melody, a lyric that as they worked on it became a song.  They took that song they created and shared it with others who then benefited from it. I listen to music when I work, exercise, drive.  I listen to music daily, and it’s all the byproduct of someone else’s efforts and creativity expressed.  

How much do you rely on the grocery store?  A lot. Someone had an idea that you could sell food, cloths, and household items in one location to make shopping more convenient for customers. There are a lot of vendors that participate in filling a grocery store.  Each vendor at one time had an idea that they could create something of value that other people need and want. One vendor sells beef, another chicken, another cereal, another bread, another crackers, cheese, canned soup, the list goes on and on.  Each item started out as an idea and that idea put into action benefited someone else’s life. 

To turn an idea into a real life thing takes belief that what is in you is necessary.  All day we benefit from what other people have taken the time, energy, focus and perseverance to create.  What is in you that other people are waiting for? What inspiration is welling up in you that will benefit someone else’s life?   

God told Adam to be fruitful in Genesis chapter 1.  Fruitful means to produce things of value. Our mind and imagination are our tools to create.  We can look into the future to see what could be and should be, and then create it. God gives us divine inspiration, not just to watch a movie in our mind but to create reality.  

Go therefore and produce things of value.