1 Peter 4:10-11 says,

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.  If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.”

The fact that we have been given a gift (s) means that we have been entrusted with something important. What you are entrusted with you become responsible for.  What you become responsible for you will be held accountable for. Just as a boss gives and employ a task and expects it to be accomplished, so God gives us purpose and expects us to fulfill it.  This gift is God’s grace released to the world through us.    

This gift is like a seed, full of potential.  What something starts out as is not all that it is created to be.  A seed starts out small but grows into what it is created to be. Your gift if fully equipped with be dreams.  It can seem crazy to think the things you dream about are possible, because they are beyond your current ability, knowledge and comfort zone.  But what something starts out as is not all it is created to be. These dreams lead you into becoming who are created to be. They lead you into solutions for problems.  They create desire to take action. They create the need for focus, and discipline. These dreams point you in the direction you should go.     

It’s only in the cultivation of the seed that it realizes its potential.  To develop our gift we must use it. As we use our gift we grow in experience.  When we mix our experience with an increase in knowledge, we grow in understanding.  This produces a greater efficiency and effectiveness. Which means more people discover God is good through his grace that you distribute through your gift and the ideas you have to use it.               

We need to get sold on our call in God.  We need to get so sold on the fact that God called us out, set us apart and has given us the authority and responsibility to take action and fulfill our assignment.  We need to get sold on the fact that the world needs what God has given us. We need to believe that we are God’s answer to the problem. Get sold on who you are in God and do what has never been done before!