I am loving this revelation of discomfort, which probably sounds very weird, but it is actually quite freeing.  Understanding that it’s ok that you don’t feel like doing some of the things you do and or need to do, but then doing them anyway is powerful.  Because discomfort can easily be translated to, “I should stop”. But that is not always the case. Sometimes things become very challenging and even hard to very hard and you could make the conclusion that you have gone far enough.  But that is not always the right conclusion.   

There are definitely seasons to things.  There are beginnings and there are ends. But discomfort is not necessarily the defining marker of the finish line.  We live in a time of massive abundance and in this abundance we can get very comfortable. When you live a comfortable life discomfort can seem very abnormal.  But this abundance we live in is the byproduct of those who have come before us, who embraced discomfort and hard work. Embracing discomfort and hard work is what produces growth, expansion, abundance and maturity.  Therefore These things are necessary.   

Let’s consider the butterfly for a moment.  When a caterpillar is ready to become a butterfly it creates a cocoon around itself.  When it transforms into a butterfly it must break out of the cocoon it created. To break out of the cocoon there is a struggle that must take place. The struggle necessitates movement of the body and wings.  This movement and resistance of the cocoon moves fluid through the wings which is vital for flight. If someone saw a butterfly breaking out of the cocoon and felt sorry for it and helped it break through, they would actually prevent the butterfly from ever being able to fly.  The butterfly must break itself out of the cocoon, because it is part of the process.  

So if you had a butterfly farm and knew that this struggle must take place.  Then when it does take place you know that this process is good and important, not a sign for concern.  Likewise If you know that discomfort is a part of growth then when you find yourself in it you know it is not a sign to quit, but a sign that you are employing self discipline based on commitment.  And that is powerful!