We have the capacity to increase our capacity to learn, grow, create, manage and lead.  It’s easy to feel like you are at your capacity, when you look at life with anxiety, fear, doubt and worry.  When you have a house full of kids, and a job you work all day, decisions in life that you don’t want to make, just the thought of one more thing is enough to make you want to lose it.

Indecision, anxiety, fear, doubt and worry are all very heavy things. When you know what you should do but you don’t want to do it because it’s uncomfortable you create indecision.  Living in indecision sucks, its weighty, and it inhibits progress.     

Anxiety, fear, doubt and worry are all created by picturing the future in a worst case scenario.  Which is funny because what you picture never happens. This is because worrying doesn’t actually do anything for you or benefit you in any way.  Jesus said it like this in Luke 12:25-26,

“Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?  Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?”

The idea of having a limited capacity is based off of a limited perspective.  The perspective of what you think is possible and impossible. What you think you can do and can’t do.  What you think you are and are not. Change the way you think, change your life. If there are decisions you are procrastinating about making, just make them.  Take control of your life and environment. This is how you grow in your ability to manage and lead. Instead of saying, “I can’t,” replace it with, “I can”. “I can handle that,” “I can make that decision,” “ I can and I will”. 

Instead of worrying about tomorrow, think about what you want tomorrow to look like.  What do you want your life to look like? As you picture a future that you actually want, life becomes less of something you hope to just make it through, and more like something you look forward to experiencing. 

Be dedicated to growing in knowledge.  Consume information that expands your thinking.  Read things that expand your belief that anything is possible.  When you learn about what people have accomplished, created or invented you begin to believe that you can do it too. When you start thinking that the “impossible” is possible you are starting to tap into your true potential. You start to tap into who you are truly created to be.  And you start to become who you really are, a person of unlimited capacity.