The story of “building on a solid foundation” (the two guys each building a house but only one using a foundation) is a story of contrast.  The parable of “the farmer scattering seed” is a story of contrast. The contrast is one person held onto God’s word and applied it to their life and succeeded in what they did.  While the other people didn’t hold onto the word, fell away and what they built fell to pieces. 

There is another story of contrast in Luke 7 that went like this, 

 “A man loaned money to two people—500 pieces of silver to one and 50 pieces to the other.  But neither of them could repay him, so he kindly forgave them both, canceling their debts. Who do you suppose loved him more after that?”

Simon answered, “I suppose the one for whom he canceled the larger debt.”

“That’s right,” Jesus said.”

Jesus tells this story to a Pharisee named Simon who invited him to his house for dinner.  And while they are eating a woman comes in and washes his feet with her tears, hair and perfume.  Simon can’t believe Jesus would let this woman touch him because she is such a sinner. So Jesus uses this story to help him understand that this woman’s humble and tender expression of love and gratefulness is because she had a big debt and can’t help but express her freedom with such extravagance.   

As I was thinking about this story I thought of another contrasting example.  The person who grabs hold and refuses to let go of righteousness, redemption, wholeness, reconciliation, sonship and freedom discovers a deep sense of identity, ability, potential, and responsibility.  This person due do his perspective lives life on purpose taking massive amounts of action because of his deep and true sense of worth and vital importance in God. While the person who never really grabs hold of righteousness, never really taps into their potential because they don’t believe in their God given value and very necessary purpose in life.  This person spends their life trying to earn something God gave them for free and in doing so never taps into their true potential of life and impact.  

My good peoples it matters how we view God.  It matters how we view ourselves. Do not ever, ever, ever, ever, freaking ever be persuaded that you live to just exist, you have things inside of you that need to be drawn out, shared and displayed to this world.  We are the people of the God of function, let’s prove it!