In Luke 12 Jesus is setting the correct perspective on what this life is about.  When the purpose of life is rooted in the kingdom of heaven your focus is on what you have been made responsible for.  In Luke 12:42-48 Jesus says,

“A faithful, sensible servant is one to whom the master can give the responsibility of managing his other household servants and feeding them.  If the master returns and finds that the servant has done a good job, there will be a reward. I tell you the truth, the master will put that servant in charge of all he owns.  But what if the servant thinks, ‘My master won’t be back for a while,’ and he begins beating the other servants, partying, and getting drunk? The master will return unannounced and unexpected, and he will cut the servant in pieces and banish him with the unfaithful.

“And a servant who knows what the master wants, but isn’t prepared and doesn’t carry out those instructions, will be severely punished.  But someone who does not know, and then does something wrong, will be punished only lightly. When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required.”

The more clear you get on what your gifts are and where to use them, the more you understand what you are responsible for.  What you become responsible for will require your attention, focus and discipline. Meaning you can’t just show up once and think, “that’s it I did it, my requirements are finished.”  Because that’s the servant who got lazy, beat the other servants, partied, and got drunk. That guy is so distracted on entertainment and comfort that he becomes oblivious to the fact that the master is returning.  Not to mention everything he is enjoying doesn’t even belong to him.  

That servant was put in charge and given the resources to successfully accomplish what he was given responsibility for.  But your perspective of the situation affects what you do. The wicked servant concluded that the master wasn’t coming back for a long time, and saw this as an opportunity to run wild and free.  But in his twisted foresight he forgot that the master was going to return and that he was going to be held accountable for what he did and didn’t do.  

Jesus said, “A servant who knows what the master wants, but isn’t prepared and doesn’t carry out those instructions, will be severely punished.” But let’s look at this from a different perspective.  A servant who knows what the master wants, knows what he is responsible for. This knowledge is vital to his success. How could you ever successfully accomplish what you were sent out to do if you have no idea what you’re supposed to do?  If the servant knows what to do, then he gets super focused and disciplined on carrying out the instructions and therefore succeeds in all he was given responsibility for.     

The more you understand what you are responsible for the more you understand where to put your focus and attention.  What you are responsible for, you must take care of. The potential that is inside of you to manifest the kingdom of heaven is in there so that it can be realized.  Get dialed in on what your gifts are and where to point them and with never ending creativity display the true glory of God.