I listened to a podcast recently by Kris Vallotton who was talking about this expectation of Greatness. Certain people have an expectation on them to do great things because of where they go or where they came from.  For instance, there is an expectation that the people who go to prestigious colleges like Harvard or Yale would go on to become lawyers, judges, senators and other positions of influence. Similarly there is an expectation for the children of prestigious families like the Kennedys and Bushes, to do great and impactful things.  

But what about us, the people of the kingdom of heaven, who have been reunited with the God who made all things?  What if we become known for being the people who solve real world problems? What if we become the people known for our ideas, inventions, innovations, schools, and businesses?  What if we are the people who are expected to do great things?  

What does life look like in an environment of the “Expectation of Greatness”?  And how do we create this environment? It starts off with understanding what we have been given, what we have been called to do and the power and authority we have been given to accomplish it.  This understanding creates a high standard of responsibility. We are the children of God, with the power of the Holy Spirit to represent and manifest the kingdom of heaven on earth. We are the children of light called to illuminate the darkness. 

With the expectation of greatness there is a high standard of discipline, focus and action.  Paul said in 2 Timothy 1:7,

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”

This discipline and focus makes no room or excuse for wasted time.  Instead time is used to accomplish goals, purpose and vision. To grow in knowledge, understanding, skills and ability.

Paul said in 2 Timothy 2:4,

“Soldiers don’t get tied up in the affairs of civilian life, for then they cannot please the officer who enlisted them.”

When a soldier is on a mission he gives all of his attention to it.  The mission is not over until the objective is completed.  

There is an expectation of greatness on our lives.  We are not meant to get caught up, entangled in and distracted by the mundane, mediocre and the so called normal and socially acceptable.  We are called to understand who we are, why we are, where we are going and then give our whole selves to accomplishing our vision. There is no other way to live life in the kingdom of God.  There is something you hold inside yourself that this generation needs. Draw your potential out into the real world. Develop your gift and serve it to the world. You are called to influence this world with the culture, glory, kindness and extravagance of God.  History will prove whether we rose to the occasion or not. My good peoples, mark my words, we will not disappoint!