In Romans 1:14-15 Paul writes,

“For I have a great sense of obligation to people in both the civilized world and the rest of the world, to the educated and uneducated alike.  So I am eager to come to you in Rome, too, to preach the Good News.”

The definition of obligation is an act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound; a duty or commitment.  The greek word used for obligation means to be in debt. Paul owes the Gentiles the Good News and he is not going to default on his loan, if you pick up what I’m putting down.  Paul has a duty to the Gentiles because God called him to preach the Good News. That duty created a responsibility that Paul committed to. God called Paul to represent himself to the Gentiles, meaning if Paul doesn’t fulfill his duties God’s desire is left unfulfilled.  Enter in, “a great sense of obligation”.

Paul is sold on the fact that God called and appointed him, and he is sold on his message and mission.  These things create this great sense of obligation which produces the highest levels of action. 

We need to be sold on who we are, why we are, where we are going and what we are doing.  And then we need to take action. The following process is a hack, a tip, a trick, a key to propel your vision into action.  

When you have an idea, solution, service or product that you have been cultivating and in your mind you can see most of the pieces but you are having a hard time developing it on paper or into a physical product, you need to create a necessity for action.  You need to burn the ships so to speak. Sell the idea. Even though you don’t have it all worked out, offer your solution. By offering your program, teaching, service or whatever it is, you force yourself to commit to its development. It doesn’t matter if it’s not perfect, it just needs to be usable.  You can’t perfect something you haven’t used or created. So put yourself in a position that forces you to create it and use it. From that experience you can tweak, add or subtract to further develop it. 

Here are the three keys to successfully using this process:

1: Get sold and stay sold on your solution or idea.  Doubt is not your friend, it is your enemy. So do not entertain it.  

2: Do whatever it takes to prepare and create what you committed to bring.  No excuses allowed, only action. 

3: Deliver.  Show up and prove to yourself that you have what it takes to live out your call in God.  Remember David not only sold king Saul that he could kill Goliath, he then went and made good on his word.  

My good peoples, what God has called us to he has also enabled us to do.  Get sold, stay sold and as long as it is called today, take action.