Everything God created, he created to succeed and to become everything it was made to be. Potential is what you could become, what you could do.

Potential is: latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness. Potential generally refers to a currently unrealized ability.

These abilities are innate.  Innate means: existing in one from birth.

Potential is discovered, realized and developed through action. Action creates motion, motion creates growth, endurance, strength, knowledge, ability, skill and maturity. Everything we can become is realized through motion.

It’s when we “jump in” that we make demands on our potential.  How do we jump in? We take every opportunity that has to do with the potential inside of us. Big, small, medium, large, if it has anything to do with your purpose or vision, jump in. Generate motion. Motion will generate momentum, momentum creates strength and force that helps you reach your desired destination.

Jump into the potential.